Department of Computer Science

Mr. Mone Sunil Dhondu
Head of Department
Features of Department:-
- Qualified, experienced and sufficient number of faculties in department.
- Latest computing facilities in laboratories with sufficient number of computers.
- All computers are in LAN and have internet connectivity.
- Teaching aids in laboratory as well as in class rooms.
- Offline as well as online friendly communication between students and teachers.
- Sufficient number of book titles and number of copies per title in library.
- Well-furnished, equipped, air conditioned labs and class rooms.
Objectives :
To proficiency in high-level programming languages and computing. To develop skilled professionals in areas like PLs, databases, networking, & Web design. To renew software development skills and knowledge-based activities.
Goals :
- To prepare students for post graduate training in some specialized area of computer science.To prepare students for job in industries or government, to provide an environment to acquire computing skills and to be entrepreneur.
- To help student to become a knowledgeable as per the need of IT Industry.