About Library
R.C. Patel Educational Trust’s R.C. Patel Arts, Commerce and Science College were established in 1991. From the same year library was also starts it’s functioning. Library plays a vital role in furthering the academic and research mission of college and facilitates creation and dissemination of knowledge. The range of services offered by the library is comparable to the best libraries in the North Maharashtra.
The library is having excellent print collection of 26, 642+ volumes of books, references, textbooks, books under Book Bank scheme, bound volumes of journals and theses. Beside this library also provide access to over 31,35,000 e-books, 6000 e-journals in sciences, humanities, social sciences and management under N-List database provided by INFLIBNET, Ahmedabad.
The CollegeLibrary is fully automated. Library uses cloud baseMastersoft’s LIBMAN software for its regular day to day works like Circulation of books, Cataloguing of books, Web-OPAC. College Library used barcode technology for books transactions. Barcode is labeled at every book and Reader’s Library card. Barcode is scanned for getting information of books and readers.
Faculty and Students can access web- OPAC through this : https://libcloud.mastersofterp.in/OPAC_V3/ link to search bibliographic details of books available in library.
Departmental Faculties of Library and Information Science:

- ID: 40030
- Name: Dr. Ratneshwar C. Bhavsar
- Designation: Librarian
- Qualification: M.L.I.Sc., SET, Ph.D.
- Area of Expertise: Library Automation
- Experience: 15 years
- Phone: 9372579948
- Email ID: rcbahvsar@gmail.com
- Resume: Download

- ID: 27008
- Name: Mr. Liladhar S. Lohar
- Designation: Asst. Librarian
- Qualification: M. Lib. & Info. Sci.
- Phone: 9923935510
- Email ID: liladharslohar@gmail.com