Rules and Discipline

Rules of Discipline

The smooth functioning of the College depends upon observance of discipline by the students. The College can help the students better when Rules of Discipline are observed properly. Violation of these rules deprives the students of the advantages of different facilities provided by the College. Following are some of the important rules of discipline. Parents/Guardians are requested to direct their wards to observe the following Rules of Discipline:

  • Students must carry their Identity Card on person when in the college premises and produce it on demand.
  • It is mandatory for the students to wear their Uniform while entering the college premises.
  • It is compulsory for students to attend the college from the day of opening to the last day of each term during academic year.
  • Regular attendance for Theory and Practical is must. In case the attendance is found less than 80% classes of theory, Practical and other activities he /she will not be allowed to appear for the University Examination.
  • Student should behave respectfully to the teaching and non-teaching staff within
  • campus and outside college premises; otherwise they are liable for disciplinary action.
  • Student must pay stipulate fees within the given time span.
  • Student must report regarding their change of communication address if any to the admin office. college will not be responsible for any loss information due to change communication address.
  • All students must participate in extracurricular activities that the college organizes and must read the notice board from time to time and follow the instructions given.
  • All students must convey about their absence to the concern parent teachers in case of illness or any other emergency cases.
  • Ragging is strictly prohibited within or outside of college premises. Any student found guilty in this case shall be expelled from institute. The fees will not be refundable in such cases. (Ref. Maharashtra Provision of Ragging Act 1999).
  • Any student found indulging in anti-social activities, creating nuisance or any other mischief like strikes; demonstration etc. within institute will be expelled from the college. The fees will not be refundable in such cases.
  • Principal of the college has right to expel a student from the college for any infringement of the rule conduct and discipline prescribed by the college or University or Government and the instruction given above.
  • Parents are required to visit the college whenever requested by the Principal.
  • Smoking, chewing tobacco, consuming alcohol or taking drugs is strictly prohibited in the institute. Any student is found in inebriated condition; he / she will be suspended / expelled from the institute.
  • Using mobile phones within the college campus / class room / computer laboratory/ library etc. is strictly prohibited.
  • Student who seeks admission to RCPET’s RCPASC are bound to abide by the rules and regulations of the college as stated in the prospectus and undertaking given along with admission form, and also laid down by the Principal from time to time.
  • All disputes pertaining to the admission, cancellation of admission, refund of fee etc. shall fall within the jurisdiction of courts at Shirpur only.
  • Self-Discipline is the best discipline. All students are expected to observe rules and regulations currently in force to enable the smooth working of the college.
  • Students are prohibited to do anything inside or outside the college that will interfere with its orderly administration or affect its public image. No outside influence, political or any other should be brought into the college directly or indirectly.

(Please refer to North Maharashtra University ordinance regarding maintenance of discipline and good conduct by student at )