Department of Physical Education and Sports

Dr.Harshada Raman Patil
Physical Director
The Institute, right from its inception has excelled in sports at University, State and National level. Also brought glorious occasions which have increased the name and fame of the Institute.
There is special committee fully devoted to look after extension and execution of sports policies. The Sports committee is composed of Director as an in-charge, mainly concerned with the funding and planning followed by Sports coordinator, physical director and members from teaching who guides the students for various sports activities.
The Director of Sports (Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon) provides guidelines for organization of various sports activities at inter zone, interuniversity and national games.
We have sports facilities which help Student to participate and excel in activities like Handball, Volleyball, Table tennis, Chess, Power lifting, Softball, Cricket, Badminton, and Athletics.
We have secured winning or runner-up position in Cricket, Softball, Badminton, Chess and Table-Tennis over the years at various competitions and tournaments. Many players have been selected for Inter Group (Zonal) tournaments and to represent Inter University from time to time.
The institute has a spacious ground for outdoor sports, with the ground being modified for specific sports. Being a reputed institution, coaches of repute are associated with our institute. The Institute has a tie-up with external agencies (PEFI and H.R.PatelMahila College) to enable students to avail of their facilities in sports like cricket, swimming, lawn tennis, and badminton.
For indoor games, we have a facility for table tennis, Carrom, badminton and chess. The open ground is used for Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, cricket, ball badminton and soft ball.
To develop healthy and physically fit students through physical education and sports activities for the nation who can contribute their support for the progression of the nation.
- To bring the awareness among the student regarding the benefits of health and fitness for the betterment of life.
- To build the self-confidence among the girl students through active participation in various sports activities.
- To provide the basic knowledge regarding the physical fitness and health related habits to the student of the college.
- To encourage mass participation of student in various intercollegiate tournaments and competitions held in Dhule Region.
- To organize various, inter class and intercollegiate tournaments and competitions for the student as well provide them practical experiences of conducting events.