Department of Geology

Name of head
Head of Department
As the study of Geology is very little known to this region of North Maharashtra, R. C. Patel Arts, Commerce and Science College have started B.Sc. in Geology from the academic year 2023-24. Geology is the study of Earth including interior and exterior processes, its rocks, minerals, fossils,history, processes, and physical features. Geological history provides a conceptual framework and overview of the evolution of the Earth. It is one of the core subjects and contains various branches like Mineralogy, Crystallography, Hydrogeology, Structural Geology, Engineering Geology, Palaeontology, Physical Geology, Geomorphology, Environmental Geology, etc. This subject gives lots of government jobs as in GSDA, DGM, GSI, CGWB, and Lots of jobs also available in PSU's.
Our vision is to provide high-quality education and to develop critical thinking and enthusiasm to become lifelong students of Geology.
- Prepare students for professional positions in government and for careers in academic research and teaching.
- Increase awareness of Geology.
- Educate Students in the geological concepts.