Best Practice 1

Best Practice 1

Blood Group Detection and Hygiene Awareness Camp: A 24-Year Tradition


The Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology is arranging this practice from the past 24 years for the students studying in the locality majorly of rural and tribal areas who are unaware of basic human health related information and issues. The department of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the college has an active student club-‘Plasmid Club’. In biological world, plasmid means - a genome coding extra characters to the organism. Similarly the club is also performing various extracurricular activities. The objectives of this student club are: To get acquainted with good study techniques and to make available the study resources for preparation of competitive examination. This Plasmid club is totally run by a nominal registration fees that is collected from students from which programs like Blood group detection and hygiene awareness camps, cleanliness drive, Departmental Prize distribution program, etc. are run. Every year, Blood Group detection and hygiene awareness camp is programmed on 6th August on the occasion of Birthday of Sir Alexander Fleming, a Scottish physician and microbiologist, best known for discovering the world's first broadly effective antibiotic substance, which he named penicillin. Teachers and Students of the Department visit nearby Ashram schools, where students from tribal areas live and study, unaware of basic human health issues. This camp consists of two major programs - Blood Group detection which is done by students from Masters (M. Sc.) and Poster presentation on Hygiene Awareness which is by the students from Bachelors (B. Sc.).

Objective of the Practice :

Since the college is working in rural and tribal area of Maharashtra, social and public health related issues are major problems of the region. Due to lesser literacy rate, the villages in the interior of Shirpur Taluka don’t have access to preliminary health facilities. Several government residential schools are established in this area offering primary and secondary education to tribal students. However, the students from these schools as well as the tribal people of the villages have no basic understanding of personal hygiene, cleanliness, spreading of diseases and other sanitary practices.

The major goals behind the blood group detection and hygiene awareness camp are :

  • Immediate Medical Care: Knowledge of blood groups can be crucial in emergencies where quick blood transfusions are needed.
  • Hands-on Training: Provide students with practical experience in conducting blood group tests.
  • Skill Development: Enhance technical skills ofstudents in handling medical equipment and conducting blood tests accurately.
  • Disease Prevention: Improved hygiene practices through poster presentations can significantly reduce the incidence of communicable diseases, such as gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.
  • General Health Improvement: Proper hygiene contributes to overall better health and well-being, reducing absenteeism in schools due to illness.

The context :

Running a blood group detection and hygiene awareness camp for tribal students is crucial due to several contextual factors. Tribal communities often face significant healthcare accessibility challenges, resulting in limited access to timely and adequate medical care. These communities also experience health disparities and educational gaps in health practices and hygiene, largely due to geographical isolation and socio-economic factors. The lack of awareness about basic health practices can lead to preventable diseases, making education on hygiene practices vital.

In context to this, microbiology students have basic knowledge of personal and public health importance, role of microorganisms in diseases and preventive measures to control the diseases. Moreover, the students have also primary knowledge of human blood groups, detection of blood groups and Haemoglobin content in the blood.

This is the reason of arranging such kind of practices as a Mutualism for the tribal students as well as for the students as it helps in the overall development of the practical knowledge of students interacting with the actual problem faced in the locality.

The practice :

Taking the advantage of their knowledge and to inculcate social zeal among the students, the department of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the college is undertaking the blood group detection and hygiene awareness camps in the Ashram Schools of nearby villages from last 24 years on 6th August. Blood group of several thousand students and tribal were checked in this exercise. So far, the camp has been organized at 23 different villages. In this activity, students of the department check the blood group of the young children. They also demonstrate importance of hand washing, bathing, nail clipping etc. Students also prepare posters highlighting the important communicable diseases, their control and treatment. During the camp, students present street plays, door to door visit and make the tribal people aware regarding various health issues. This activity has been appreciated by the media as well as by the management of the college.

Evidence of success :

The blood group detection and disease awareness camp run by the college has received attention of various government bodies and media. Government hospital also get involves in this drive for screening of sickle cell anemia and other diseases. Private dentist of the Shirpur city also voluntarily join this camp and provide important information to tribals and school children regarding dental and oral hygiene. Moreover, the faculty and the students proactively worked in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Students organize several rallies, media campaigning, clean campus drive etc. The Department of Microbiology coordinated the vermicomposting of solid waste in several housing societies during the Swachata Drive of Shirpur Warwade Municipal Council. The efforts of our Faculty and students are appreciated by media as well as by government bodies. Even in the Covid year (2019-20), the faculty members and students of the department helped the medical personals in the distribution of “Remdesivir” in the nearby Medical store. The department organized various online programs to generate positivity in the minds of people.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required :

This activity is fully run by a student club. It requires little financial support which is provided by the department from the student registration fees. However, there is tremendous scope to work on these issues especially in rural and tribal set up. More involvement of government organization and NGOs is anticipated so that the college can reach to wider group of people in remote areas.

Year wise details of the Practice for the last 05 years :

Sr. No. Academic Year Venue Number of beneficiaries No. of participated students from the department
1.        2018-19 Lauki 202 160
2.        2019-20 Waghadi 143 140
3.        2020-21 Covid Awareness Program - -
4.        2021-22 Balade 171 140
5.        2022-23 Nimzari 381 145