Feedback Process Guide

Feedback Process Guide

Strategies For Feedback On Academic Performance And Ambience Of The Institution:-

  • According to the changing environment of world, the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum, Academic performance and Ambience of the institution needs revision periodically.
  • For this, stakeholder feedback regarding curriculum, Academic performance and Ambience of the institution should be collected, analyzed and the changes suggested by them should be considered.
  • The main aim of taking this feedback from different stakeholders is a vital part of the teaching and learning process.
  • The feedback aims to improve effective teaching and learning processes as well as fill in the gaps in the curriculum and the needs of the stakeholders.
  • The feedback aims to improve the facilities provided by the institute.

Feedback Approach: -

  • Feedback will be collected via structured questionnaire from stakeholders during the months of Jan to Feb of each academic year.
  • The feedback will be collected from all the stakeholders during each academic year.
  • Feedback analysis, suggestions/ recommendations given by the stakeholders will be duly discussed in the IQAC meeting.
  • The analyzed feedback and the corrective measures will be forwarded to CDC.
  • The CDC will forward their recommendations to the Governing Council.
  • The Governing Council shall consider the recommendation provided by the CDC as well as discuss the action to be taken as corrective measures.


  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Alumni
  • Employers

Feedback process on academic performance and ambiance of the institution: - (Collection of Feedback from Student, Teacher, Alumni, Employers and parents)

  • The Feedback Analysis Cell collects the feedback on academic performance and ambiance of institute from different stakeholders such as the students, alumni, teachers, employers and parents to maintain the quality consistently and to measure the quality enhancement. Analysis cell ensure academic excellence at the level of students, teachers, alumni, parents and employers.
  • Two types of Feedback including academic performance and academic ambiance from all the stack holders and a teachers’ yearly feedback from Students is collected yearly for quality enrichment.
  • Teachers feedback is also collected through google forms at the end of each academic year.
  • Feedback from industry and employers is also obtained yearly. Their valuable suggestions and feedback are also received through google forms.

Feedback Analysis process of college is shown below