Core Values

Core Values


Everyone is expected to be completely honest and dedicated in all situations. Even the slightest appearance of a conflict of interest must be avoided. Successful long-term relationships are built on trust and open communication.

Respect for others:

Everyone is treated with respect and dignity in all situations. Criticize ideas, not people, and share responsibility.

Quality and continuous improvement:

The college strives for excellence in everything it does. It is committed to continuous improvement in all areas and will measure its progress using appropriate standards.

Student learning and student development:

The college is a student-centered institution committed to providing educational experiences of exceptional quality and fostering an encouraging, constructive environment that supports healthy personal development.

Institutional integrity and community:

The college strives to develop long-term relationships with its stakeholders based on honesty, fairness, and respect.

Ethics and Values:

Every action by the faculty and students will be guided by core human values such as love, compassion, sensitivity, sensibility, and kindness.

Adherence to Rules:

Everyone will adhere to the rules to ensure productive and high-quality educational outcomes.

Program Quality:

To maintain program quality, the college continuously assesses practices, policies, and procedures to enhance the overall effectiveness of curriculum, instructional delivery, and operations.

All-Round Development:

To maintain program quality, the college continuously assesses practices, policies, and procedures to enhance the overall effectiveness of curriculum, instructional delivery, and operations.